ELEC 242 Lab

After Lab

Summary Report

Unlike previous Labs, this one has no numbered questions. That is in part because this Lab is less of an analytic exploration than previous ones and more in the nature of a grand systhesis. Here we have taken electronic circuits, optoelectronics, electromechanics, system dynamics and control, digital circuits, and assorted other odds and ends, and combined them in the solution of a specific problem: How to transmit an image from one place to another.

Clearly this system is not going to compete with HDTV. On the other hand, it is one that we can understand and build with the resources we currently have available. From this perspective, and using the knowledge and experience you have acquired this semester comment on how successful we have been in solving the stated problem. Describe briefly how the system works, identifying each subsystem and its function. Identify the major shortcomings. Of these, which are fundamental limitations of this approach and which can be overcome? Suggest possible improvements and enhancements to this system. In particular, consider how we might transmit color images.

Cleaning Up

Although this is your last 242 lab, your breadboard has to come back next semester and start all over again. In consideration of the faithful service that it has rendered you, and as atonement for the indignity it has suffered at your hands from being poked with sharp wires (and occasionaly melted and subjected to exploding op amps) you should relieve it of its burden and restore it as nearly as possible to the pristine condition it was in when you first met it.

Remove all components and wires from your breadboard and return them to your parts kit. As the last step of the last lab (second to last if you haven't finished writing up your notebook) hand in your breadboard and interface board to your labbie. If you like, you (or your lab partner) can keep your parts; if not we will be happy to recycle them. Keep your tool kit for future labs.